„Vznešený v búrke, i v žiari slnka, poddajný v behu, i keď ho hladí ruka, za zvuku bubnov zurčiacich v noci, blesk razí mu cestu, je mu na pomoci, nehľadiac v diaľku, nehľadiac späť, idúc v ústrety svetu, ochutnať let. Na nebi nebeská hymna, v riekach sa voda valí, on razí si cestu,nič ho nezastaví.“
„Majestic in the storm and shining sun, yielding when stroked, and supple at a run; at night, to the sound of murmuring drums, to help break a way through, the lightning comes; not looking back, or far beyond, he goes to enjoy the flight, to meet the world. In the sky a heavenly hymn; in the rivers rolling waters flow, he goes to break his path, nothing can stop him now.“
Obraz- Olej na plátne (oil on canvas), 105x80 cm, 2018